Wednesday, July 27, 2016


July 27, 2016
I am not sure when my addiction to zombies began but I do know that it went hardcore with the arrival of 'The Walking Dead'.  Love.  That.  Show!!!!  As with any addiction,  it takes a hold of a you and makes itself known.  For me, other than watching zombies in movies and on TV, I write about them.  I have a handful of story ideas about zombies.  Some traditional.  Some looking to put a little spin on the 'normal' zombie genre.  All in their infancy stages, but I am ready to share them with you.  I am hoping that sharing them will prompt me to continue working on at least one of them, but only time will tell.

Z New World

The meteorites were a devastating assault on the planet, showing no mercy to any one country, religion, race, age or any other social conventions we as a planet had so dramatically eked out over the history of men.  The playing field was leveled, quite literally in many parts of the world.  The aftermath was first.  Looting, killing, struggling to find a shred of the life they had before.  People choosing to be black, white or grey in how they now lived.  Life had always had many shades of grey in terms of what could or would be tolerated by people.  Now, there was a rainbow from black to white and you were defined in this new world as such.  White still equalled good.  Black was still bad and all the in between was some combination of the two.  Then came the red.  It happened so fast that there was little time to study it.  Scientists assumed that the meteorites were riddled with some virus or element but struggled with why only some were affected by it and others were not.

Crossover Cadre/Zombie T.E.A.M

A woman slays a zombie when in her shower with her toothbrush.  She calls the police and there is no body.  She is later informed that her sister died and oddly has a toothbrush in her eye...same as what she did to the zombie.  The toothbrush is hers so she is arrested...evidence proves her innocence of the death, but she is haunted by the image of her zombie-sister coming to her.  She checks herself into a mental health facility to work through this trauma, gets to an OK place and deals with her sister’s estate.  From stuff found in her house, she finds out that her sister is really her mother...which now makes the what she thought she heard the zombie say to her:  daughter, daughter.  From here, things get more interesting...she sees flashes of zombies in the faces of strangers and then reads about their deaths in the paper, complete with some strange appearance of a zombie to someone they know.  She goes back to the mental health place, succumbs to not having to think and then a dream reveals her newly defined role in the world.  She signs herself out and begins a support group for zombie trauma.  During this process, she finds a group of people who become as obsessed as she in finding out what this all means and assisting those needing to understand.

Zombievolution/The Fountain of Zombies (or some combo of zombie and evolution) 
4 part series about the evolution of the zombie to an immortal race
Part 1 - Apocalypse
Part 2 - Resistance
Part 3 - Adaptation
Part 4 - Immortality

Possibly a scientist finds an incredible book telling the tales of rising the dead and them living forever.  For decades this scientist gathered others to play God.  Maybe the earth has a millennia cycle where this happened before and those that became immortal could not stand eternity and basically wiped out the entire earth.  Earth regenerated - big bang - and now we are at the rising of the dead stage.  What causes zombies is this group who are able to rise the dead but not control them.  They had developed a vaccine that would temper the zombie-tude and this is the beginning of the evolution.  The introduce this to themselves and a small group of others, who do become zombies, but they are a bit less aggressive that the initial group.  As the disease spreads, some become/are more resistant to it so do become zombies but still retain a bit of humanity.  This evolves into the immortal race.

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